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About Brooke

Health From the Heart

I'm a true advocate for good health. When I say good health I'm not just referring to diet, although inevitably that's where I start since food is my passion. I mean holistically, wholly, as a functioning, emotional, stressed, busy human being. I'm an advocate of mental health, and through my own journey with fitness and wellness I have found that a lot of my symptoms of "mental illness" were caused by a lack of nutrition, a lack of moral support, and a lack of physical fitness.


Being from Los Angeles, it was hard to figure out what was a sustainable and healthy way of staying fit - both physically and mentally. Growing up in the entertainment industry was hard on my concept of self-image, and I grew up not knowing how to relate to my health and my body in a realistic way that's guided by self-love; not vanity.


Coming out of that dark place and reclaiming my power as a healthy, well-rounded individual, I've felt it's my purpose to offer my services to others to provide them with the support that I felt I was lacking.


I offer my services to plan your meals, prep your meals, give you moral support, connect you with other health practitioners for additional support, and be your confidant on the journey of overhauling your lifestyle in a way that sticks.

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